
the start has ended [part 1- prologue]

hold my hand. we'll walk down the slippery world and come out alright. as long as you're by my side

Rizky and Alya

Left- Rigth Sunu, me, is the leader of this class
Me and Rangga
Aul, Me, Kent
She is Kent
I adore this girl, she is Aul.

Aul and Wafa.

Once, in a brief journey, they walked beside me as we traveled the road together.

But at one point, the road became to narrow. So I decided to let them walk in front of me.

Maybe this not a rigth time for them to lead the way. But they walked too fast, and I could not follow them again. So, it’s OK if you can’t really lead, or can’t really follow.

I will always pray for you: that you will live a happy life, be blessed with lots of love, and have such a wonderful relationships along the way … and I hope you’ll remember this:
Yes, I do have beautiful old memories about you,
and I cherish those memories with all my heart,
and that you will always have a friend in me.

But then … there were times when the time suddenly faded away. It was like someone had scattered a magic powder and—puff!; everything was gone in less than a sec. Before I could even digest what have happened, the lights went out, the curtain closed, and I was forced to get off the stage.


improving punya tari

(a study conducted in the first grade of SDN Leuwiliang 1 Bogor)

(Lis Endah Lestari 031106106 )


A. Background of study
Nowadays, education cannot be separated from the use of technology. Computer applications, movies and the provision of internet for education are very easily accepted. Because of the current technology, people can learn not only through books but also through movies. When it comes to teaching English to young learners, some expert believe that tecnology for teaching English to children, is highly require. It is supported by Thornbury (2007: 176) who states, “Movies as one example of technology that is used for education can be more attractive for the children than books.” Through movies, children can see the action of the story to help them learn vocabulary.
Other examples of technology usage are radio and television. Both have supplied many advantages in education. It is because through television, children can get many information such as information about issues of the world and other knowledge. Television provides shows which can be used as a media for children to learn English. One of which is cartoon program.
In the classroom, teacher must try to avoid boring or over-theoretical or mechanical subjects, using cartoon that they love may arouse and stimulate them to learn English. Sometimes cartoon movie can do a great deal towards arousing interest among children. It would be vey good way to make them learn English. Almost all children like watching cartoon movie since they are interested in the stories and they get full benefit from it. Moreover, the introduction of cartoon movie into activity in the classroom can improve children’ habit and show that the language is not just as a subject of the study, but can be a source of enjoyment and recreation.
Sometimes, the students consider to face some barriers in learning English, for example, they find learning English as a torture, they consider English as a boring thing; they also tend to limit their memorizing ability when learning something that they dislike. Hammer ( 1991:7) noted in his book:
More than anything else children are curious and this is in itself is motivating. Because they lack of attention and concentration then adult they tend to seek teacher approval. They need activities that are exciting and stimulate their curiosity.

Hammer (2001:38) also added that because children give a good response when they are asked to use their imagination, they should be interested in activities like games, drawing, music, or making things because they like to discover something. Cartoons can be one of the best ways to keep children learning English, because cartoons program can provide what the book cannot provide, for instance: the animation, color, sounds, and actions that can be seen directly. Children from age five to seven like cartoon and full of curiosity.
Therefore, the cartoon program used in this research is Dora The Explorer. Dora the Explorer is an American animated television series created by Chris Gofford, Valerie Walsh, Rick Velleu and Erick Weiner. Dora the Explorer show is carried on the Nickelodeon cable television network, including the associated Nick Jr. channel. Dora the Explorer has been extremely successful and every child in America loves it, because it is designed to actively encourage laughing and learning. This is because, in each episode, Dora the Explorer teaches children basic-English words and phrases. Not only children can learn about how to observe situation and solve problems through her adventure in Dora the Explorer, but also they can learn about math, music, and physical coordination. For that reason, the writer chooses Dora the Explorer to help student learning English, especially in learning vocabulary.
Vocabulary is about words, where they come from, how they can change, how they relate to each other, and how we use them to view the world as Scrivener (1994:73) states:
“One of the elements of language to be learned is vocabulary. Through cartoons program, vocabulary is a very important and fundamental element in learning language could be learned”.

Vocabulary has powerful meaning, which explains that children as students will understand more about how to say or express something if they have vocabulary knowledge. Besides, it will help the children understanding the meaning of the words with strong relation to comprehension situations, including reading. In primary school, teaching English vocabulary with cartoon as a media for students is performed nowadays. The writer would like to study whether children’s vocabulary knowledge can be improved through cartoon program as their learning media.

B. Reason For Choosing the Topic
The writer want to investigate is 1st grade elementary school the useful Dora the Explorer as a media for students to learn English Vocabularies.

C. Aim of the Research
The aim of the study is to show how children’s vocabulary knowledge can be improved through cartoon program.

D. Limitation of the Study
The acquisition in my study is only limited to show vocabulary improvement through cartoon program (Dora the Explorer).

E. Statement of the Problem
Does Dora the Explorer improve the children’s English vocabulary?

Research Method
This study is classroom action research, the research procedure consist of the following show.






F. Hypothesis
There are a relationship between children vocabulary and TV cartoon program.

G. Population and Sample
This study will be conducted in the first grade of elementary school at SDN 1 Leuwiliang . The children age 5 to 7 years old.


Bukan hanya Toleransi Agama. Toleransi dengan jarak dan waktu ini semua memang demi kamu… - Adelia Tri


the only thing I knew about love, is you.
thank you for today, so much. we'll keep on fighting, no matter what :")
me love you ♥


Mr. and Ms. Smith

he's the guy who knows exactly how to make me happy.
and sad at the same time. hahaha

halo masnya yang sibuk terus kayak pejabat. semangat kerjaannya, semoga tidak ada perilaku menyimpang yah. yang normal-normal aja yah jangan aneh-aneh, oke? oke. janji ya? janji. yaudah kalo gitu semoga seminarnya lancar minggu depan, jangan kayak aziz gagap yah pas interviewnya, anggep aja kamu dosen, lagi ngajar maba duaribulimabelas. pasti lancar seminarnya, terus ganteeeeeng pake setelan jas sama dasinya wahaha. nanti kalo sempet aku ke ostrali ya eh ke Depok maksudnya liat kamu hehe. bangganya udah mau seminar aja~ wihiw semoga cepet kelar yah makanya jangan terlalu sibuk ini itu itu itu ini entar pusing kalo semuanya digilir! fokus aja sama satu, kata master shi-fu. yaudah ya dadah akika tidur dulu dadaaaah semangat ! :)

I love U
Adelia Tri


I thank You

“.. I know I'll see you again, whether far or soon, but I need you to know that I care, and I miss you.” -Incubus.

once upon a time, in a small class, on a cloudy morning.
a song and a voice singing through the lyrics, head moves through the rhythm.
the ticking clock running the seconds in circle.

thoughts and hope they remembers,

faith they holds on to.
smile, tears beneath the heart.
courage and strength.
another road to walk on by,

Someday, i will miss my morning routines. i don't mind getting up early to school, get on a public transportation, and walk by Jalan Palupuh every Monday and Friday morning, humming to my favorite song, explosions in the sky - someone hand in mine. it had always been repeated, every morning on my walk, and i never get bored of that anyway, i just couldn't get better.

i like hearing my students stories. they usually talk about boys or girls. some of them loves to stay and sit outside the class to see who's passing by. most of the girls catch up for the boys next to our class. i don't know why they get obsessed with those boys (cough), i look like as if i'm the listener, while i knew i wasn't just the listener.

i began to wish I will be a kind teacher for my student, i wished my days could passed twice, i wished the days runs slowly so i could really take my quality times with them, know them better, more understand them, and teach them well.

luckily i had good students in class, they helped me and cheered me up all the way at school.
I always missed them, right now, and I always do.

things changed a lot, and i learned a lot too.
the good sides, the bad sides.
i learned how to move on,
I always ask them to gave a comment, because what? I want to give them the best of me. i know Im far from perfect, but i always tried to give my best.
because in life, we will have to be able to move on at any situations. and this is life, it will never stopped moving forward. things change, and so do people.
it's in our own hands whether we could survive to change and keep moving, or to just live by the past without having the courage to walk through the path in front.
all we need is faith anyway,
then we'll be able to sincere to let go and to let things come.

[X-1, SMAN 7 Bogor, 2011]

seeing you all happy gives me the bliss :)
kalian adalah semacam keajaiban kecil yang juga masih saja membuat saya terkagum-kagum, setiap senin jumat, setiap hari, berkali-kali.
karena telah menjadi keajaiban kecil untuk saya

Adelia Tri


I've got so much to do recently, so I might be posting less here. but anyway, things are reaaaally really getting hectic these few days and I need a lotta scoops of ice cream, thousands of scoops I guess. haha but somehow, deep down I feel like I like it this way, I do feel a lot more productive and I'm getting used to it too, though sometimes I need to cool down for a while every weekend.
the thing that bothers me is I don't quite feel like I'm home even when I am at home. I think being alone makes everything much better. and I miss my time alone, because then I wouldn't have any boundaries on what I like doing. well people never get enough right. sometimes you want A instead of B and when you get this A, you're gonna be wanting back another B. grrrr.

how I miss mom in times like this, I just wanna be her little daughter every single day, although she sometimes annoys me, sometimes acts like a kid, she could always turn around very kind at once. especially when I'm having so much to do, she knows when to make her silly jokes or when to leave me alone. I know I moan all the time to her, but then I can take her for a lunch together and then we can tell stories to each other for hours.
If mom was here, I knew she'd tell me to stop being busy and sleep for a while.
but then she'd tell me to keep spirited.
yea I wanna be her daughter, and her one and only daughter.
I promise to take her to a spa as soon as she gets back home.

somehow, it looks all monochromatic
turns pale then goes brighter.
running in circles.

there's only a glass in between those movements.
you clearly see all what's inside but you keep staying in behind as if it is a place to live. what hesitates you, what seems to be hard for breaking over? then you shouldn't have lit through the glass with those light bulbs you've got, with a great courage.
with nothing in.

beautiful, beautifies.
lies over behind those crystal. how could i reach, how could i shine over. reflects me back and over again.

wait till the night comes,
see how everything turns magic. see how amazing the spells are.
fade away as soon as the Gold greets, beats the light. shone my crystal,
my glass window.

and all the movements, and all the explosions, and all those fireworks, those lights. it was all breathtaking. well whatever pays, it's really needed to put one in this room.
never do! I'm fragile

Adelia Tri


direct indirect #collaps

Irvand said, "I hate Doll's House, I never want be here again!"

He said that he hated Doll's House, he never want be there again!

Winning A Happiness

Sometimes we want nothin’ but happiness. Just a bit of it. But, as always we know, we can make a thousand plans. God who has the right to decide.

So, we can only keep praying and leave the rest to Him. Just like He always said,

“Don’t be totally worried about everything that’s going around you. It’s My job.”


Adelia Tri


You are Missed

Seseorang pernah berkata kepada saya. Bahwa rasa kangen adalah manifestasi dari kehilangan. Dan kehilangan adalah sesuatu yang sangat familiar.
Rasa terkejut, sedih, kaget, kesal, marah, dan terluka akan memudar seiring berlalunya waktu. Hanya satu rasa itu yang kemudian membuatmu sadar. Bahwa kamu telah sungguh-sungguh kehilangan: rasa kangen. Yang masih tertinggal, bahkan lama setelah rasa yang lain tertelan di latar belakang.

Rasa sedih akan lenyap perlahan, seiring mengeringnya air matamu yang jatuh di atas bantal. Tetapi esok hari, dan sampai berbulan-bulan setelahnya, rasa kangen masih akan menghampirimu tiba-tiba. Lalu kamu sadar. Bahwa sesungguhnya, kamu telah kehilangan. Kamu kehilangan hal-hal yang membuat kamu menangis. Hal-hal yang pernah kamu cintai. Hal-hal yang pernah kamu sayangi. Hal-hal yang pernah kamu pedulikan.

Kemudian kamu mengerti. Bahwa rasa kangen ternyata bukan mengenai segala yang “pernah”. Rasa kangen bukanlah mengenai hal-hal yang pernah kamu cintai. Hal-hal yang pernah kamu sayangi. Hal-hal yang pernah kamu pedulikan. Ternyata rasa kangen juga menandakan segala yang “masih”. Bahwa kamu masih cinta. Masih sayang. Masih peduli.

Di sisi sebaliknya, rasa kangen juga memberikan tanda lain kepadamu. Ia menjelma isyarat. Bahwa mungkin, tanpa kamu sadari, sebenarnya kamu terlanjur “sudah”. Ya, ketika kamu kangen, mungkin itu tandanya kamu sudah cinta. Sudah sayang. Sudah peduli. Walau kamu masih saja bilangthere’s-nothing-between-us, diam-diam kamu tahu. Bahwa di antara kamu dan dia, ada satu rasa itu. Yang tak pernah bisa membohongi hatimu.

Rasa kangen.


the only exception

kamu adalah pengecualian dari semua alur yang sudah aku ciptakan
kamu adalah pengecualian dari semua kriteria yang sudah aku susun rapi demi masa depan
aku sadar bahwa ketika melihat kamu, aku tidak peduli apa yang orang lain bilang, cap apa yang mereka berikan untuk kamu.
yang penting bagiku adalah, kamu di sini.
di sampingku.
yang penting kamu ada di depanku.
memberikan pemandangan sosok belakang dirimu yang selalu menarik entah dari sudut mana.
There’s absolutely no way that I can contact you, and I miss you. I miss sitting in the back and eating ice. I miss smiling at you from across. I miss looking into your eyes and feeling safe.
I want to see you again. I want to see you all the time. I want to hug you, and cuddle with you, and make out on my couch.
I miss you. A lot. 
Tapi aku menyukai rasa rindu ini. Karena di ujung dari rasa rindu ini ada rasa degdeg-an, rasa terkejut, dan senyum kecil 
I hope I’ll find you. As Soon.

Adelia Tri

NB : Ditulis sambil mendengarkan “Suara hati seorang kekasih” – AADC. In some ways, dia mirip Rangga. hha :)


A Thousand Words from Vonny

Vonny said, "Temen itu banyak waktu kita lagi seneng, bahagia. tapi cuma sedikit temen yang selalu ada waktu kita lagi sedih atau susah. Nah temen yang sedikit itulah yang namanya sahabat. Nggak semua orang mau diajak susah Del."


Rahma Anistia

Rahma Anistia is one of the few, that really knows something about me. I cant lie: lately, there has been lots of drama in my life. Anis is the only person who stood by my side. The only one who didnt judge, the only one who didnt take anybodys side and I am really thankful for that!

Yesterday we talked for 6 hours. I know that it is a bit hard to get close to me... as I tend to keep people at distance... but when it comes to her... I am not affraid to open up, I am not affraid to let her into my life... as silly as it sounds:)

Today, after had Mrs. Rasyidah Rasyid class. we spend our lunch time at DBC [Death by Chocolate] so many think that we shared. we had chocolate cake and lime squash and a lot of fun...:))
I hope that you guys had a nice day as well...

Adelia Tri

Oh, a simple complication

Miscommunications lead to fallout
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up, I can't break through

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know, is it killing you
Like it's killing me

I don't know what to say since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now
[Taylor Swift - Story of Us]

There are times when I lost my mind, I am told I'm only halfway, but you were there in my thoughts, in my head. In my heart above the left side. I know the time for us has past, but you must know one thing: I could have given you everything you wanted, everything you needed...

Adelia Tri


untold story

I’m waiting in line to get to where you are
Hope floats up high along the way
I forget Jakarta
All the friendly faces in disguise
This time, I’m closing down this fairytale
And I put all my heart to get to where you are
Maybe it’s time to move away
I forget Jakarta
And all the empty promises will fall
This time, I’m gone to where this journey ends

Mungkin tak akan pernah ada proses perubahan yang menyenangkan. Tapi yang paling menyenangkan dari hidup adalah perubahan itu sendiri. Akan ada banyak tantangan baru, cerita baru, orang baru dan rasa bahagia baru dalam hidup saya di depannya. Tetapi apa yang saya miliki saat ini, apa yang saya hadapi saat ini, saya berterimakasih kepada Tuhan sang Pencipta, penulis skenario hidup terbaik, Dia yang akan selalu ada ketika saya mengalami kebingungan.

Nah, akhir2 ini saya memang jarang berkomunikasi dengan orang luar lagi, FB saya pun minggu lalu sudah saya nonaktifkan, alasannya..fesbuk gregetnya sudah ga kaya dulu lagi *tsahh :))
dan sekarang saya hanya ngeblog *itu pun kadang2* dan twitteran.
saya memang jarang berkomunikasi dengan byk orang, karena dulu biasanya kalo saya sms balasnya lama..dan disitulah saya mengambil kesimpulan..
they have their own life..mereka sibuk, jadi jangan terlalu sering diganggu.
itu menurut saya. Jadinya saya juga mulai sibuk dengan dunia saya sendiri.
Lalu, dengan seiringnya waktu, ternyata saya mulai nyaman dengan dunia saya sendiri.
saya kerja dimana..tinggal dimana..ngebolang kemana..pacar saya siapa..ada kejutan apa lagi dari Adelia Tri
..pertanyaan itu akhirnya sudah jarang menghampiri saya..
dan ternyata, hal seperti itu menyenangkan.. :D :D

sampai hari ini, ketika saya memutuskan untuk mengaktifkan YM selama seharian penuh
tiba2 pertanyaan2 itu kembali bermunculan..dan saya hanya bisa jawab..
"iyya!!!saya hilang buat nyiapin kejutan untuk kalian semua.. BWAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA..!!!"

NB :Fokus, ayo Del! selesaikan bulan Juli dengan baik....:)